The Volcano Chronicles (Part I: Lazy_fairy)
Two-channel Video
08:40 mins
Lazy_fairy sets out on a whimsical journey to reach a volcano and reunite with their imaginary friends. Along the way, they share personal experiences and family archives while pondering the true fairytale of "welcome-culture" in Germany, a place that seems bizarre to them. By borrowing storytelling techniques and folktales from Vietnamese, as well as cyber and other mythologies, they hope to weave their voice through a process of collective storytelling and claiming space. Throughout this journey, Lazy_fairy investigates the intersections between institutional power, identity, community and even a strange connection to coffee paths.
Despite their determination, as the volcano begins to erupt, Lazy_fairy vanishes into the fiery abyss.
Despite their determination, as the volcano begins to erupt, Lazy_fairy vanishes into the fiery abyss.
"The Volcano Chronicles" is a series of immersive VR and video works that explores the transformative power of (collective) storytelling. The name also references the sculpture "Tanz aus dem Vulkan" ("Dance out of the volcano"), 1988, by Ludmila Seefried-Matějková, located at Nettelbeckplatz, Berlin. Although the location's name is controversial due to its colonial past, it serves in present days as a focal point for the yearly demonstration and discussion meeting on International Wom*n's Day (March 8th) in Berlin.
"The Volcano Chronicles" proposes a collective fairy tale approach through an intersectional-cyber-feminist lens; It offers a strategy for resisting institutional powers and working towards emancipation and transformation from within. The series poetically attempts to create a sense of community and belonging for BIPoC and/or FLINTA* individuals in exile.
Each part of “The Volcano Chronicles" will delve into the perspective of one or more fictional character(s), embodied through 3D scans of one or more humans.
© Cẩm-Anh Lương, 2023
Production Credits:Edoardo Micheli – Music & Sound designCẩm-Anh Lương – Conception, Video Editing, VR design
Phương Moon - Voice OverEsra Sakalli – PhotogrammetryMahmoud Ismail, Roland Sookias/EDDy Lab ULiège – 3D scanningMayada Al Kayal, Batoul Sedawi, Cẩm-Anh Lương - Conversation