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Presentation: Results of the 2024 Research Residencies Program

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On Wednesday, December 11, at 6:00 PM, Hibridalab will present the projects developed by four international artists exploring the intersection of art, technology, science, and design. 

︎︎︎ Incub.IA.tor by Alizée Armet: A speculative device merging artificial intelligence and biology to rethink our relationship with the human body.

︎︎︎ Tales from the Sunda Plate by Cẩm-Anh Lương: An interactive installation addressing the effects of climate change on coffee production.

︎︎︎ Hybridge by Michaela Zimmer: Portable sculptures brought to life through collaborative performances.

︎︎︎ Objeto Meditativo by Roni Mate (Nicolas Marchiaro). Meditative clothing designed with CAD and CAM technologies to promote calm in a noisy world.

These residencies were funded by the European Union through the Culture Moves Europe project.

18:00, Wed. 11.12.2024
Campus Universitario de Álava, Avd. Miguel de Unamuno 1), 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Araba-Álava, Spain


Solo Show “After me, the deluge / Sau ta là hồng thuỷ" ︎︎︎ Soma Art Berlin  18.11-07.12.2024 ︎ Residency Culture Move Europe ︎︎︎ HibridaLab, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country, Spain 10.09-11.12.2024 ︎